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Zoo Logic

Sep 28, 2023

With a family legacy of rewilding the Eastern Cape region of South Africa, Paul Gardiner has always had a close relationship with Africa's Wildlife and an affinity for filming. Together with his business partner, media executive and content producer Barbara Bellini, they have launched a new content platform on

Sep 21, 2023

Starting her career in a more traditional zoo setting in the 1970's, Dr. Laurie Marker has dedicated her professional life to preserving cheetahs in the wild. After what is now Namibia gained independence from South Africa in 1990, she moved to the southern African nation to help reduce the hundreds of cheetahs killed...

Sep 14, 2023

Enrichment is a frequently tossed around term but what actually is it?  How is it being used today and is that application appropriate or even effective?  We are on location at the AZA annual conference hosted by Columbus Zoo & Aquarium with applied animal behavior experts Chuck Tompkins and Erin Ivory to discuss the...

Sep 7, 2023

As the executive director of the Community Conservation Fund for Africa or CCFA, Taryn Gillson works to help build community development through funding generated by ecotourism. Their goal is to assist communities participating in and benefiting from conservation. CCFA is the foundation of the ecotourism leading experts...