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Zoo Logic

Apr 28, 2022

According to its website, Wildlife ACT is a non-profit trust on a mission to save endangered wildlife and wild places from extinction. Its professionals, like our guest PJ Roberts, work in the field to monitor endangered and critically endangered species, including lesser known and appreciated animals like vultures....

Apr 21, 2022

In a world weary of pandemic, we asked Dr. Yvonne Nadler, long time veterinary expert with the ZAHP Fusion Center, to describe the risks to animals from the latest strain of Avian Influenza. This year's strain appears more active than in recent years, which places the nation's poultry industry at greater risk. Other...

Apr 14, 2022

The animal care and veterinary heroes behind Saving the Survivors  treat wild and endangered animals that are victims of poaching or traumatic incidents. Most of the organization's work has focused on caring for rhinos in the field that have been illegally and horrifically attacked by those seeking to profit from the...

Apr 7, 2022

In her new book, After the Forests: Thailand’s Captive Elephants and Their People, Dr. Nikki Savvides explores the life and welfare of Thailand's captive elephants. Neither wild nor domesticated, these animals, once utilized in the country's now defunct logging industry, find themselves in a newer and uncertain...