Mar 31, 2022
Should families have long-lived animals like parrots as pets? Do owls make good animal ambassadors? The founder of Avian Behavior International, Hillary Hankey, works to ensure bird’s have better lives and to reduce behavior-caused stress for owners in the home. Bird training is complex and with so much random...
Mar 24, 2022
Following his work in Kabul and Baghdad rescuing zoological animals caught in war zones, author and conservationist Brendan Whittington-Jones began a seven year stint studying endangered and often maligned African Wild Dogs. In his book, African Wild Dogs: on the front lines, he describes his work examining the behavior...
Mar 17, 2022
Not since Keiko or Tilikum has a killer whale garnered as much attention as the single orca resident of Miami Seaquarium known as Lolita. Estimated to be about 56 years old, she has lived at the park since the early 1970's. To learn more about this amazing animal, one of the park's longtime executives and eventual...
Mar 10, 2022
When Coalition Forces invaded Iraq in 2003, the security situation across the country and in major cities like Baghdad was grim. Amongst all the devastation of war, the situation for the Baghdad zoo animals was critical with starvation, dehydration, poaching, and shelling reducing the collection to a few...
Mar 3, 2022
Across the globe, few have been spared the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of personal, public, and animal health, business operations, and travel to name a few. As animal professionals know having experienced it firsthand, public attractions like zoological parks were among the first and hardest hit...