Aug 29, 2019
Founded in 1996 in hopes of reuniting one killer whale with her wild cousins, the Orca Conservancy today is focused on preserving the endangered population of Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW) that frequent the waters around Seattle and Vancouver part of the year. It's this steadfast mission to prevent the SRKW...
Aug 22, 2019
We are onsite with the three founders of the Phoenix Herpetological Society to discuss their passion for rescuing animals in need, conserving endangered species, and educating the public about all kinds of ectotherms from cobras to crocodiles. PHS' mission is to "promote conservation and preservation of native and...
Aug 15, 2019
We return to the Phoenix Zoo to discuss their collaborative work to save another endangered species, the Mexican Gray Wolf, which as recently as the early 1970's came within a handful of remaining founder animals from being deliberately exterminated across the West and Mexico. Senior carnivore keeper, Carl Mohler...
Aug 8, 2019
Host of the viral videos television show Right This Minute (, Gayle Bass reminisces about how her early career experiences such as an intern, a film critic, and a radio reporter led to her role as one of the original hosts of RTM, now starting its 9th season. As a huge fan of wild and domestic...
Aug 1, 2019
The 1970's was a decade of unparalleled exploration far above and below the sea. From astronauts driving on the moon and unmanned probes collecting data on the outer planets to piercing the deepest oceans in new submersibles, scientists and engineers achieved some of the greatest feats in human history. One such...